Monday, March 31, 2008

Course Opening 2008

Finally we are seeing a change in the weather and it looks like spring is finally here. At least for now. I have started a crew working on the course we are very busy cleaning up the golf course if you have had a chance to walk around you might have noticed that there is a lot of damage around the bunkers from the mice. These mice burrow into the grass and make tunnels in the grass to survive the winter. We will have to rake up and in some spots even resod some of the damage. We are also cutting and clearing some dead trees on the golf course.
Today, I am actually mowing some fairways using a verticutter to try to clean up some of the snow mold areas. I was able to grow out the sample that I removed from 15 fairway. This is a good sign in that some of the snow mold did not kill the crown of the plants. I still feel that we will have to reseed a few areas in the fairways. The greens and tees for the most part look pretty good. This time of the year I have to take things a little slow and not "push" the turf to much. the ground temp is still very cold and the grass will not really start growing until the ground is around 55 degrees.

We plan on rolling the greens and tees on Wednesday and then mowing all greens and tees on Thursday. The fairways will all be verticutt and then mowed hopefully friday. I would like to mow everything again on Monday then open the golf course Tuesday.

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