I would like to let everyone know what is going on over on 18 and where the woods went. Jeff is going to be building another apartment complex in this location. What we see right now is the worst that this area will look. There is plans to add a hill or mound that will be appox. 15 to 20 feet high along the lot line. We will plant a native blend of grasses on the ridge line. I feel when this project is completed the area will look a lot better then the trashy woods that was there.
The forth of July is right around the corner. I have always felt applying fertilizer to lawn around the holidays works very well with the life cycles of the turf. This said, I would look for a fertilizer that has a extend release of the nitrogen source. The nitrogen is always the first number on the bag of fertilizer. The slow release products will allow the nitrogen to be released over an extend period of time. This is a good thing in the heat of the summer.
The golf course is shaping up pretty well. The rough areas on the course are being mowed daily. Our goal is to mow the rough at least two times a week and then the green bank areas are to be mowed on Fridays. The problem is we are still a little behind from the rain. The clumps of turf are being blown with a large tractor mounted blower to help keep the rough clean. Seems like an endless job but we will be caught up soon. We were able to get all the greens and fairways aerified this week. I have received a few good remarks on the new tines that are being used on the greens. Once again this does not replace organic material removal but sure does a great job on allowing air and water exchange.
I try to get around the course many times a day and do my best to talk to the membership daily. I hope to see you soon and look forward to talking to you