I would like to give you an update on the golf course and the current projects that we will be completing over the next few weeks.
I have completled removing the bump out on #1 fairway and replaced that area with some rough sod. I have received many very positive comments from some members on the work done. I feel this area refelts John Harbottle's view of what this should of looked like when this area was seeded back in 2001. We did have many disscusion regarding the placment of the fairway when we were staking it for grassing lines. John did not approve the old line since he was not able to make a return trip from Washington to oversee the grassing lines, but I am confident that this new line would represent his view of the golf hole.
With the number 1 project done we will be able to move on to the next project and that will start this week and we will be constructing a new drop area on #4. We are going to be placing the drop area in front of the white tee near the path. This will provide a great angle into the green. There will be some rough sod left over from this project and there are a few little details that have been on a list for quite some time. #1. we will be addressing the low area between the bunker and collar of the green on #4, this will be a fairly easy job in that the sod will be removed and we will add soil to the low area and blend this into the collar for a more natural look. #2 there has always been a weak area between the back bunker and collar on #13 green. We will also remove the sod and level this area with soil and new sod. #3 same problem near the tree to the right back of #18 green. Some of these areas are from settling irrigation trenches and some problems may be from years of topdressing but all will be fixed and the playability in these areas will be greatly improved. We may have some sod remaining from the projects even after completely the green-side work and will replace some worn area at the walkons to greens. I traditional do this every fall, last year instead of re sodding I aerating the areas and seeded into the cored holes. For some reason it did not work as well as sodding so I will sod instead this year.
I will be topdressing the greens on Wednesday the 7th this week.
Upcoming projects will be as follows
October 12th and 13th we will needle tine the green again and this will allow me a great time to apply granular organic based fertilizer to help strengthen the root zone and allow the plant to store energy to help survive the winter. This also reminds me of something new I will be trying out this late fall at closing time or just before. I will be sod cutting out some of the low areas at the transition from the green and collar. The sod will be placed somewhere safe for the winter. My thinking here is to allow for free drainage of any water accumulation on the green. In theory we would have less ice because there should not be as much free standing water on the surface. Each early spring over the last few year I have went out and cut out some sod or made little trenches in the turf for this same process, why not do this before we have ice, This is my reasoning will it work , I hope so.
The fescue project is seems to be working out nicely, we have a good plan and will continue to move forward converting the rough over to fescue. I will be spraying round up this week on another 6 acres to be ready for next spring. This will allow us a good starting point next year and then we will work our way around the golf course. In doing this project there will also be some changes made to the irrigation system. I will be able to remove many irrigation heads on the course and continue to change the full circle heads and also will have to move some heads around the course. There will be a huge savings in water over the course of the year.
Before the end of October we will be spiking the fairways to open up the turf to allow for better nutrient uptake and surface drainage. This year I would also like to core aerate the rough on the golf course. I completed this coring 2 years ago very late in the year and by springtime there were hardly any plugs left over and after the first mowing they were completely gone.