Just a quick update to get you up to speed on the golf course progress so far the spring. We have completed all the fescue seeding on the back nine with the expection of the areas around the tees on 11,14,16. These will be converted in the fall. Tomorrow we will spray round up on the front nine concentrating on the greens and fairway areas. I will then wait a few days before I start the seeding process. Once again, I am very hopful that we will have a thin stand of fescue in these areas but it will take some time to really see the look that we all want.
We have also completed adding sand to the green side bunkers on the entire golf course. We worked on making sure that we achieved the proper depth and added or replaced the sand using the new angular sand that we started to use last year. We also completed removing all the sand from the first fairway bunker on 14 and replaced that sand today.
I also worked on planted some additional flowers around the restrooms too add some nice color throughout the year.
So far everything on the golf course is in fine shape and I hope that you are enjoying Hawks this spring.