We are in a great weather pattern finally after so much rain the sun sure feels great.

We have been able to get a lot more work down now that we are not pushing sand in the bunkers daily. this week I was able to topdress the greens and approaches this in turn allowed me to firm up the greens and now the sped of the greens is back. I have received many compliments today about the golf course conditions and appreciate that very much. Everyone on my staff has worked very hard in the last 2 weeks to get everything back in great shape.

I was also finally able to spray all the new fescue on the golf course this week using a gramaicide and herbicide to kill the weeds and undesirable grasses today after only 2 days I am seeing some nice wilting of the weeds in all the areas we sprayed . Next week I plan on mowing all these areas one more time. this should clean up the dead and dieing plants and give the fescue a chance to fill in. I may have to make another application in the fall but after this application we should really start to see the look that we want. I have heard some comments regarding this project. As I stated in the beginning of the work this will take some time. I am not fertilizing the areas as you would normally during a seeding project and I am not applying very much if at all water to this areas. why am I doing it this way well I am hoping that when we start to see some addition growth these areas will be thin and still provide the look that we want. Please be patient I am confident that this is working. I am also removing irrigation heads that water in the fescue areas to date I have removed close to 35 irrigation heads from the golf course. The less water going into the fescue the less growth we will have and hopefully have a thinner stand. I feel that towards the end of the year we may see some seedheads on the new fescue if this does not happen please do not worry next year they will look great.
There is a article on the USGA website about the US Open and the condition of the golf course I have attached a link for you to read the article is very good and quite interesting.
Have a great 4th of July weekend and hopefully you will be able to get in a few rounds of golf