What an exciting time ahead, from the information and gathered in the member meeting it would seem like we should be on our way to becoming private. I enjoy going to club events,. I try my best to get around and be available for some one on one time. Please do not hesitate to approach me after the next meeting. I will gladly answer your questions.
The weather is nothing to complain about that's for sure. I feel we are on the dry side, The last rain event was on 9/19. One extreme to the next, this year sure has been a weird one. Overall, I feel we are pulling through it in fine shape. I wish some things were better but we are doing everything possible to get the golf course off to a good start next spring.
I would like to challenge our members to fill divots on the course. Mr. Sheffield was out working on filling divots yesterday morning before his round. He completed at least 30 bottles of seed mixture. What would be great is for all members to take a few extra bottles and fill divots on the fairways. I really believe we can make a big dent out there. Honestly, this year I have filled the divot containers about half as much compared to previous years. Lets finish the year strong and on the right foot.
You may have noticed some fall weeds germinating the new fescue around the golf course. I will spray no less then 3 application of herbicides starting next spring. I feel everything looks good and the density is close to were we all want it to be. I have reseeded just about all the bare areas.
The bunker is going to turn out great. I would hope that after today we will have the subgrade completed and starting to rework the drainage. By the end of next week the bunker should be completed.
I hope that you have find some time to enjoy the outside. The weather looks pretty good for at least a few more days.