Starting Monday we are going to be constructing a wood wall across the front of the green. The photo shows the general starting and stopping point of the wall. If you can remember the bank in front of the green has deteriorated to the point that we may loose the slope sometime in the near future. Why did this happened well those pesky muskrats have played a roll if some of the problem. For whatever reason the rats build their dens in the bank. The den is quite large and leads to the bank collapsing. Coupled with the raising and lower of the pond during and after rain storms the bank is basically being washed away. I do make every effect to remove the rats from the golf course ponds but every year there is always a new bunch entering the ponds from somewhere that I have never been able to figure out.
photo from doral resort website |
The Bruce Co is the contractor that we have chosen to construct the wall. Last year the Bruce Co rebuilt the rock wall on 15 which turned out very good. The wall on 17 will be a wooden wall similar to the wall surrounding the famous par 3 island green at Doral gold course. The new wall will add so much to the golf hole it is hard to describe. This spring when you are standing on the tees there will be a completely new look viewing the green. No more will you be looking at a ugly bank but a beautiful wall. Additionally, 1000s of cars drive by and look at the 17th each day last fall the slope was a distraction now the new wall will be dramatic.
I will post photos of the construction each day next week to keep you up to date. The work will being on Monday. Hopefully, in 2 weeks everything expect the detail sodding work will be completed. In the spring will will finish up the work
Stay Warm and have a great weekend