Today is an exciting day for me and Hawks. All of the full time staff is in today for the first day of work. We have a very in depth training program that all employees must go through before actually starting work. The training covers all aspects of safety and proper operation of the equipment that they will be operating while employed at Hawks. There is about 5 hours in hands on, video, and written programs that are covered. I have written most of the programs and firmly believe that today is the most important day for everyone. In the last 10 years, we have not had one major accident, I contribute that to the training program that we administer. We even have a mock emergency that everyone takes part in. The information that is learned from the mock emergency reinforces the proper use of a Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS), proper telephone communication to the emergency response team, and how to direct the first responder in event of a emergency situation. This program can save a life.
Even with this change in the weather we are continuing to push forward in getting everything ready for opening day. Our Equipment Manager, Mike, is working very hard on finishing up on the grinding of the reels. We are also working on the last of the golf supplies. Everything gets a fresh coat of paint. It always amazing me on the time crunch before opening day.
The golf course is in fine shape. I did mow 15 fairway last week. The fairways looks really good. Now we just need some warmer weather and we will be ready to move ahead with the start of the 2011 golf season.
See you soon