We are well underway with many different projects on the golf course, after this week we should have most of of the major work completed. I hope that everyone has had the chance to get out and play a round over the great weekend.
We have the bunkers on the golf course edged and all the sand has been moved to achieve the depth of at least 4 inches on the bottoms of the bunkers and no more then 2 inches on the faces. These numbers seem to work well in reducing the chances for the ball to bury in the faces. We do are best to maintain these depths throughout the course of the year, please help us out when raking the faces by smoothing the sand with the bunker rakes.
Last week we also started to add some red stone along the worn out edges of the cart paths. There are still a few areas left that I would like to add the stone. We will continue to work on these spots as time allows.
Today the Bruce Co. has started to backfill between the new wall and the green on 17. They should be finished by Wednesday and then the area will be sodded with kentucky bluegrass. This area will be mowed at rough height. I cant wait to see the completed project the hole will look so good.
Today we aerated and overseeded the range tee with low mow Kentucky Bluegrass. The transition from creeping bentgrass to the kentucky bluegrass will be slow and you may hardly notice the change. This low mow type bluegrass is not the same type that is in your home lawn. We will be able to mow the tee at the same height as before, but the main difference will be that with the growth characteristics of bluegrass the tee should provided a tighter playing surface to hit from with less huge divots being taken.
Tomorrow, we will be topdressing all the greens this should help smooth out the surface and firm them a little. Overall, I am very happy so far with the golf course, and we are off to a good start. I am looking forward to seeing you in the near future