The 1.75 inches of rain this week put a damper on moving forward. All the bunkers were for the most part washed out and had to be repaired. In doing so we took the time to make sure all the sand was in the right spot. I also changed the way we are raking the faces before the storm, this seemed to help a little in that we did not have massive washouts. So we will be just smoothing the faces using the back of the bunker rakes and not actually raking the sand. This really seems to help keep the surface firm and should also help reduce buried lies. We will try this technique and see if there is a improvement.
This week has also be challenging in keeping green speed at out normal pace. The wet, damp weather really makes things "sticky" and I have to fight that. With the Member Invitational next week. I will be pulling out all the ticks in the bag to keep things were they should be.
Overall, the golf course is in fine shape. Before the rain the course was very dry so in the long run the rain was timely and really did not slow down any golfing, I hope that everyone has a great week.
There are still some slots available for the Invitational. This is a great time to show off the golf course to a friend.