Thursday, September 20, 2012

Update 9/20

Today, we completed core aerating the back nine approaches today as well as the maroon tees on 13,14,16.  We will finish the whites and maroons on the back nine before we work on completing the front nine approaches.  We also topdresed all greens and approaches this week.  I applied a heavy sand application to all the core aerified approaches to help smooth and firm these areas up. I am sure that you have noticed that we are going quite a bit outside of the actual approach area we do not have an actual fairway aerifer so we are taking this time to address some incredibly hard compacted soils to help aid in water infiltration.  There is a noticeable increase in the health of the turf already in all the cored areas.  We also started to work on a few drains that need to be leveled, raised or lowered.

Overall, the golf course is in really fine shape right now this is a great time of the year. We will be balancing working of maintaining the golf course and starting to work on a few projects in the upcoming weeks.  I will keep you updated on our plans and scope of the projects next week.

I look forward to seeing you on the course and always remember that I am more then happy to take a few minutes to talk with you in person at anytime, just flag me down or send me an email. If you have any questions I would be more then happy to answer them.

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