Friday, June 21, 2013

Golf Course Update

One extreme to the next and summer is here at least from the weather pattern we are going to be in over the next week.  Mid to upper 80s and 90s with thunderstorms predicted almost every day.  These are not the two best combos it usually better to be on the dry side of these high temperature and humidity that is predicted.  I am actually going to spray this morning for a disease called pythium which can develop in wet areas under high temperature and high humidity.  This is not one disease to play around with and we are going to be proactive and treat the low wet areas.   

Over the last few weeks we have had some crew issues and have lost some key staff.  As of today we are fully staffed again but still miss the experience that we have lost.  I do have a few stand outs on the staff.  One young gentleman is seriously thinking of attending Penn State next year and jumping right into the turf industry, we are going to be helping his future by giving him a chance to work on many different tasks.  Also, now that we are fully staffed we will be working on edging bunkers next week. 

We are looking forward to the Men's Invitational  next week.  The crew will be putting a few extra touches on the golf course to showcase your course to your guest.  Hopefully mother nature will be kind to us.  

Other then that not much more to add,  I hope that you can get out and enjoy the golf course this weekend the course is in fine shape and I am crossing my fingers right now hoping that these storms heading our way do not hit us.  

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