Saturday, April 26, 2014

Update 4/25/14

A nice rain yesterday but looking at more in the near future.  The rain really perked things up. The ground temperatures are still cool but things are starting to really take off.  What a difference one warm rain does.

We are starting to get into a routine but this week we had a major irrigation break that had to be repaired which really set us back in completing any outstanding projects. A 60 foot section of pipe had to be dug up and replaced, and since we dont have a back hoe had a chance to get the new staff in shape quickly.  Good news is we have the water back on and all involved in the projects are here this morning.

As far as the golf course condition, I think we are in a good place.  The greens are in great shape, we have topdressed them 2 times already and mowing much lower then in the past.  The fairways and tees really are not growing too much but are in good shape.  The rough areas are just starting to take off, we will most likely start mowing the rough next week.  We have a good start on the fescue herbicide applications. Our main issue right now is the weather its either too windy or rainy, but we are making good progress.

Next week we will be battling the rain as it looks right now.  I have all these plans to finish up projects but may have to go to plan b or c if we get rained out.


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