Friday, May 9, 2008

Blue Birds

Gary Guard, the Blue Bird consultant that we are using recently stopped by to check in on the Blue Birds houses. His findings; 4 nests with eggs in them and 5 houses that have a nest, but no eggs yet. I am sure that you have seen the Blue Birds flying around.

Short update in the golf course,

The ground temperature is still quite cold and with another frost expected tonight, we really need to see the ground warm up so the greens can start to grow. I am not pushing the greens with nitrogen to "green" them up. When the soil and weather warms then I will apply a little nitrogen in an organic form to help them green up a little. The type of grass that we planted on the greens is different then the tees and fairways. L-93 is the type of bentgrass that is on the greens and the one limitation is the lack of color and growth in the spring and fall. The greens from a health standpoint are fine, there are of a few very weak areas on 2,5,1,8. I do feel that once the weather warms the greens will get some color back.

As you might of noticed there has been a lot of work completed on the course this week. Work will continue in a fast pace for the next few weeks. The only major cultural measures that we will be doing over this time frame will be verticutting the fairways next week. Verticutting slices the stolons of the plants, and stands the plants up for continued upright growth. This practice also helps controls some organic matter. I am not been able to core cultivate the fairways, because of a very high percentage of rocks just under the turf.

We will be applying an organic fertilizer on the fairways and roughs over the next two to three weeks. Some people may find the smell a little harsh, I happen to think the smell is quite good. I have been using the product for the last three years and consider the fertilizer very beneficial to the plant, the soil, and the environment.

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