I have posted a link attached to the heading of this post and all that you have to do is click on the Dig your Lawn and you will be sent to a great learning opportunity hosted by the UW. This would be a great time to ask the experts about your lawn and care of.
Update on the golf course.
We have completed the addition of the new sand to the faces of the bunkers. this was a very time consuming process but I believe the bunkers that we worked on are much better then before.
We still have a few more trees to plant on the course. the cold weather has delayed the digging of the remaining trees to be planted. I am waiting to hear from the Bruce Co. on the time line. As soon as the trees are ready we will get them in the ground.
I do have plans on spiking the fairways in the next few weeks. This is not the same as pulling a plug of turf out, we will be using a machine that slices the turf open. this encourages rooting and proper air and water exchange. I will not be core cultivating the greens this spring, but I will be solid tining the greens about every 5 weeks throughout the year. using a very small solid tine does not disturb play but does allow air and water exchange as well as rooting. We will be core cultivating the range tee next week. I will at this time overseeding the tee and fill all the divots.
I hope to see you out on the golf course soon.