Friday, May 8, 2009
With the bunker project completed we have moved on to some detail work on the golf course. There were a few areas along the cart paths that were becoming eye sores, I have decided to remove the worn areas and replace the soil with red stone cart path material. These areas now look much better.
We have also completed spraying the fescue between the golf holes and still have a few areas along the outside of the cart paths. I would expect to see some of the undesirable grasses start to die in the next few weeks. The program has reduced the amount of unwanted grasses and weeds, but there is still the weed seed in the ground and we will have to continue this program over the next few years too really see a pure stand of fescue.We do have a few areas on the course that are more then 50% fescue which is very encouraging.
We have started to ramp up the golf course maintenance into more of a tournament mode. The greens are starting to shape up nicely and we will be mowing the greens at least 6 days a week and rolling the greens 2 days per week starting next week. The soil temperatures finally are starting to warm up and stay above the 50 degree mark. This is the temperature that the turf needs. The fairways, roughs are now really taking off and we have been mowing these areas on a regular basis.
I have been starting to notice that the bunkers are not being raked very well by the players during their round. this would be a problem for the next player hitting into their footprints. I am not sure what we can do about this problem but I hope once the season really gets going this problem will not be as bad as it is now.