Aerification or what I like to call it as Organic Matter Management is a term that must golfers do not like to hear. Here at Hawks, I rarely actually preform this process in the "normal " way. Meaning actually aerifying using by pulling a core out of the ground. I feel that through a sound topdressing program I can limit the need of core cultivating the greens. Please see my post in regards to topdressing. In term of what aerification does is;
1. Loosens compacted soil, 2. improve gas exchange in the root zone, 3. improves drainage, remove organic matter, 4. stimulate root growth, 5 and helps improve hydrophobic soils.
there are so many benefits to aerification and this process is needed in maintaining a golf course at any level.
There are many different type of aerification "tines" available
Above is just a few tines that I have use over the course of the year. The tine directly to the right of the ruler is our backbone tine here at Hawks. This tine is typically referred as a needle tine. You can see that it is basically the size of a pen. I use this tine about every 5 weeks on the greens to basically improve gas exchange and water infiltration. The other type of tines in the picture represent a board range that I may use on the Tees, Approaches and in compacted areas around the course. One great feature on the Toro 648 is that we can almost infinitely adjust the depth and speed of the machine
Here I show that different settings that can be made very easily. this allows me to really fine tune the program that is needed.
The Toro Pro Core is a very technically advanced machine and is relativity new. What makes this machine so good is that it is quick, easy to operate and compared to older models much larger. All these features allow us to preform the aerification process fast and we are then able to have the golf course in great shape very quickly
I have attached a short video from the Toro Company that shows the Pro Core in action for your viewing pleasure.