Friday, April 30, 2010

Golf Course Update

I would like to get everyone up to date with our current progress on the golf course.

I am sure that you have seen the round up areas on the front nine most golf holes have some areas that we are currently converting.  We completed 1 and 9 just the other day.  All of these areas with the exception of 1 and 9 have been reseeded.  The back nine fescue is starting to germinate nicely,  14 and 18 are really looking good at this time.  The frosty mornings that we have had really set back some of the seedlings but overall most areas are doing ok.  Once again the goal is to have a thin stand of fescue so we really do not want to see a nice thick stand of turf like we including me are used to seeing. 

We have completed verticutting all the approaches to the green on the golf course.  We also applied a nice topdressing to the approaches.   The tees will be verticut next week,  two days ago I applied a nice organic based fertilizer on the tees.  This will add some nice color in a few weeks.  The greens are being topdressed weekly this spring to help smooth the surface and dilute the organic matter.  I will not be core aerating the greens this spring.  I will instead use a solid tine to open up some air ways this will be done the second week in May. 

Our big project is the Fescue this spring.  We have complete the first application of the non fescue grass killer.  I am sure that you have seen some areas that look dead or orange in color.  This is OK the fescue is not effected by the herbicide only the undesirable grasses.  I am starting to see some great progress with this program.  I have also just started applying a broadleaf weed herbicide to the roughs, bunker banks and fescue.  We will continue to work around the golf course weather permitting.  The second application of the grass killer will start over the next few weeks.  The goal is to really set back these undesirable grasses this next application should do the trick.  I also sprayed a growth regulator to 5 acres of fescue on the golf course.  The goal here is to slow the growth and thin the stand of the very dense areas around the golf course.  I concentrated on the areas have a high percentage of errant golf shots.  If this works as well as some of the research that I saw there will be a considerable improvement in the fescue denisty.

You may have seen that we are replacing the old worn out yardage numbers on the sprinkler heads.  We have completed all but 5 holes.  The new numbers are very easy to read and accurate to the center of the green.

It has been nice to see everyone this spring.  I hope that you are enjoying the golf course

Thank you


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