Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why turf dies Video

I am a member of a Scientific Research organization called Pace Turf every once in a while they post some very good videos.  This one talks about why turf dies in the summer.


                                                    Right now on the golf course after this last rain event the heat and humidity is really starting hurt some of the poa trivalis, rough bluegrass
you can see the apple green grass to the right,
, mainly in the fairways. this is the grass that is a different color and tends to show up in the spring and fall better then it does in the summer.  But this summer is an exception normally the poa trivalias is quite strong this year it is more then it can handle and in some places is checking out.  May be a good control measure but not very pretty.  Over the last few days around the drains and in low areas the turf is starting to turn black or brown.

We tried to get all the excess water off yesterday by squeegeeing the fairways but the low lying areas are just so wet there is no place for the water to go.  Now if the humidity would not of been so high we would not of had this problem but it was pretty extreme and it does not take long to see the result in turf.   I hope that we get through this in fine shape and we start to have more normal weather.

This week, I am needle tining the greens to get some air movement through the root zone.
Here is a video that I made this morning showing the needle tine machine in action and the reason as to why we are doing this

If the weather is decent next week I will be slicing the fairways for the same reason

Thank you



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