Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happy Holidays

I would like to take this time to wish everyone Happy Holidays and I wish for everyone to have a happy and healthy new year.

I feel very fortunate to work here at Hawks Landing and I thoroughly enjoy each day taking care of this wonderful place.  Since the construction of Hawks in 2000, I have spent countless hours doing my best to have a golf course that you can be proud of and for you to enjoy each day.  Each morning that I am fortunate enough to see the sun rise and sometimes see the sun set is what my job here is all about.  Taking care of this piece of land and bridging the gap between golf and the environment is very rewarding to me.

I am also very lucky to have such a wonderful and understanding family.  My Wife has stood beside me in my career during a major championship and the construction and maintenance of 2 great golf courses.  the countless hours spent on the golf course really needs a great partner.  We are also very proud of our Daughter who recently completed her first semester at UW- Madison.  Her ambition is to pursue the field of Veterinary Medicine  doing research on large animals.  Our Son will turn 15 this summer and hopefully this summer will be his first year as an employee of Hawks Landing.  He has spent many hours with me on the golf course and already knows were every irrigation valve is on the course.  He also rakes a great bunker and is looking forward to finally getting paid.

Once again, Happy Holidays and it has been a pleasure managing Hawks For you


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