Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Golf Course Update 4/25

We are starting to get into a more normal routine now by mowing on a regular basis.  The greens and approaches were topdressed on Monday.  I took advantage of the near prefect weather and applied a good amount of sand since it was brooming in so well.  This spring has been very interesting with the warm start and now the cool days.  This tends to lead to the turf producing a good amount of organic matter that needs to be matched with sand to keep the soil profile uniform.  In doing so we can greatly reduce the likely hood of having to core aerate the greens since we are continually diluting the organic matter.This does not replace the need to vent the greens using a small solid tine as we have in the past.  I will solid tine the greens Monday and Tuesday next week.  We will also lightly topdress the greens again along with this process.  We will roll the greens after the venting process, there should be very little change in the putting surface the benefit to solid tine venting is increased air and water exchange throughout the soil profile.

We are continuing to work on the irrigation system almost daily.  We have moved a few more irrigation heads to allow for better coverage.  The goal is to reduce any supplemental irrigation in the fescue.  There is still work to be done and will be a process that we continue to work on.  If you have had a chance to play this week you may have noticed that we have yet another issue with the irrigation by 15 green.  there is a very long story about holes 14 and 15 during the construction process 10 years ago that I will not go into length but the bottom line is that the installation was not done properly.  I think there is another leak near were we have already fixed that will once again need to be dug up and fixed.  If it wasn't so close to the green it may not be such an eyesore but we really have no other option then to just find it and fix it AGAIN.

  I have widen out some of the cart access areas from the cart path and reseeded these to rough this should help create more traffic access points.  I have noticed a lot of cart traffic in the fescue areas please advise your playing partners not to drive in these areas.  It does not look very good having paths all over the fescue.  Over the last few days I have noticed the fescue starting to seed and change color there are many areas that look quite beautiful and even more areas that are just about completely free of weeds and  grasses.  So far the growth regulator that was applied in the fescue seems to be keeping the upright growth in check.  Over the course of the next few months I will continue to evaluate the rate of growth and take this into account for next years planning.  This is the full  first year of the using the growth regulator outside of the test plots that were done.

I have started to fill out the monthly calender that I will try to keep up with and stick too.  Weather does play into it since I am planning weeks in advance.  I will do my best to keep you informed.  The big answer is that we will not be core aerating the greens this spring and have no plans on doing so this year once again.  

Have a great weekend and I hope that you can get out and enjoy the club this weekend.

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