I have titled this update Red Stakes because I am sure that you are wondering why I have placed the red stakes around the golf course. The stakes are simply marking work to be done or work that has been completed. We could rope and stake everything off but this seems to work just as fine and much easier too work around. We are moving ahead with many projects on the golf course we for the most part all project on the front nine are compete and we have moved on to the back nine. We leveled the area between the bunker and green on 13 and also lowered the front edge of the bunker and the green was enlarged slightly. We are currently working on reclaiming the green on 11
I have removed the rough from the green edge and placed the rough along the new line. You can see in the picture the space between the green and rough this space will be the new part of the green and collar. I have determined that when we built the green complex the sodding crew most have changed the green seeding line without any approval and when the green was seeded the mistake was not noticed. Now the green will be back to the planned size and will allow me a few new pin placements and bring the right side of the rough into play more.
The new drop tee on #4 is not forgotten but I need to haul many more loads of soil to the area. The weather has been so good that I have moved hauling soil down the list and plan on continuing when we have some frosty mornings.
There are a few more area on the back nine that we will be working on and as you play the course you may see some white paint also. I will mark and paint the area that needs some sort of repair.
We completed slicing the fairways and applied a nice balanced fertilizer over the last 2 days. We will be core aerating the range tee this week and verticutting the approaches once again next week. The greens will be topdressed next week along with the approaches.
November 2nd will be the day that I close up the restrooms for the year, I do not have any insulation in the walls to keep the pipes from freezing so we need to blow out the water lines.
November 4th will be the irrigation blow out day. this is a very tough day on everyone in that we really have to keep the irrigation running at all times and sometimes if it is a nice day is troublesome to your round. The problem is that we hook up a 1500 cfm air compressor that has no mercy on the irrigation system. We need to run sprinkler heads at the same rate as the compressor or it will actually blow the sprinkler heads right out of the ground. We do our best to work around everyone but sometimes the compressors demand makes this difficult.