Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Update 8/21/13

The warm weather has returned this week but will be back to nice and pleasant days  starting Monday.  Right now less is more in terms of taking care of the golf course, less water at night in favor of hand watering dry spots in the morning and during the day, less aggressive rolling and mowing, today we did not mow the greens but did broom them to stand up the turf for a prefect cut tomorrow.

I am sure that you have noticed some brown areas in the fairways over the last week.  What is happening is the poa trivials is going dormant in the hot weather and I am not applying any extra water right now to encourage it is not go dormant.  I am hoping that the creeping bentgrass will start to take a foot hold in the weaker poa right now.  There is really no good chemical treatment to take it out other then round up but I don't think we want to go to this extreme.  The creeping bentgrass is doing fine and is a much stronger grass so we will continue to apply very small amounts of water to keep the bent alive and continue to stress the poa right now.  As soon as the weather breaks and turns cooler the poa will start to grow again.

I also have tabled the core aeration this week we were making some nice progress and was hoping to finish this week but now looking like next week to complete the coring of the tees and approaches.  I will then needle tine all the greens and then start the coring process all over again.  The tees and approaches that we completed 3 weeks ago are completely healed over and you can hardly tell we did anything.  But, there is a noticeable difference in the firmness already.

We just completed overseeding around the fairways in the rough that we reclaimed as rough.  Over the course of mowing the original seeding patterns tend be be lost from mowing the clean ups around the fairways.  I started to reclaim these areas last fall. We used an overseeder to drop in new rough seed.  We will core aerate these areas in the late fall and again in the spring next year.  Over time the rough will take over.


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